Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bad Decision

As I fall to through the sky,
Rushing to my death,
Many thoughts cross my mind.
Dreams unfulfilled, goals unattained.
People I loved, people I should have loved.
But then I think about her,
And it all goes away.

She, the one I loved,
the one who loved me.
The one I had, but let go of.
The one I couldnt live without,
The one I decided not to live without.

I think of her smile,
of her words and what they meant.
I think of how we loved,
and I think of how we fought.
The sweet moments,
far too good to last.
I hope shes at the window,
when I fall past.

I think of how it ended,
and why she had to leave me.
How I was never there,
and how i made her cry.
I wish shes at the window,
So I can tell her its not her fault.

I reach her window,
and I see her there.
She is with another man,
Kissing him like she used to kiss me.
I see the ground rushing to meet me,
and welcome it with open arms.
Death doesnt seem too bad anymore.

I think of the last few months,
and the signs hit me in the face.
The late hours,
and the nights out with friends.
I should have known then.

I would still like to see her,
just one more time,
Watch the expression on her face,
The face I thought I knew so well,
as I tell her "I know".
Would she care?.

But most of all I would like to tell her,
"Fuck off whore,
I'll haunt you to hell".